Nice location, located in the heart of the city, residential area civilized, quiet, security and courtesy. Tiditel Apartment Da Nang will be a great base from which to explore this vibrant city. Guests can comfortably visit, explore famous tourist spots here.
Tiditel Apartment Da Nang with the desire to become the second home of travelers when traveling in Da Nang, our staff will give you the most relaxing and pleasant stay possible. .
Make yourself at home in one of the 15 well-furnished Tiditel rooms. You will enjoy the room equipped with air conditioning, kitchen, TV, washing machine, refrigerator, separate clothesline in the room ... and you can stay connected during your stay here because Tiditel Apartment Da Nang provides guests with free wifi.
Besides, Tiditel Apartment Da Nang also has many services - utilities for guests, including: book tour service, flight ticket book, laundry, restaurant, catering service upon request .. .
Tiditel Apartment Da Nang helps you explore Da Nang quickly and easily, helping your stay become relaxing and enjoyable.